Since hurricane Wilma hit south Florida on October 24th, the cable TV in our community has been out. As you may know, I do not watch television. I find many interesting things to do with my time and very rarely think of turning on the TV. BUT, my neighbors are not like me!
They are getting impatient to the point that they are worrisome. They gather outside in small groups angrily talking about the cable company. They compare amounts of phone calls made to the cable company and complain about poor customer service. Each one is certain that they are the most bored and most in need of television for a variety of reasons. I don't like going outside if anyone is out there. They want to ask me if I have cable yet, if I called Comcast to complain, and generally get me to join forces with them. I almost expect to see them carrying brooms and rakes over their shoulders and heading to the Comcast offices. They are that upset. Watch for them on the 6:00 News!
OH NO!!!! "Cable Unrest" is the worst--they may truly riot. I used to work for the cable company here (horrible job--nightmares, nightmares), & when there is a natural disaster folks just plain refuse to understand that TV is not a PRIORITY nor is it a utility that one must have. We had a really bad ice storm--people were without power,heat, & water for weeks-the temps were well below freezing. The cable customers were just so abusive, belligerent, etc. I had my safety threatened several times because we could not turn their cable back on because....guess what??...they had NO ELECTRICITY!!! Luckily, once I explained my brother was a cop in town the threats stopped. But just how stupid can people be...if ya don't have electricity chances are your TV is not gonna work even if the cable lines are replaced. Egads!!!
So I feel for you. I, for one, would be much happier to have power, heat, & water. I can do without TV. It just never ceases to amaze me at how selfish & uncaring people can be in the face of disaster. They want what they want NOW & to heck with everyone else's problems.
Oh well, we can only pray for them.
Blessings to you & your dear, sweet hubby!!
Hang in there, maybe those people with learn the joy of conversation, reading, spending time with loved ones. Perhaps they will thank God that the biggest problem in their life is NO CABLE--they are truly blessed.
We would never survive without the Weather Channel and Laurie would lose her mind without the E True Hollywood Story! LOL
I am ROFL at the image of them with lanterns and pitchforks at the cable company. My oh my, what has this world come to? I love my TLC channel (home improvement and baby/makeover shows) and I will admit I'm addicted to "Amazing Race" but I'd survive without it. DH On the other hand would be leading the pack I'm afraid. ;-)
Stay in and stay safe! You are such a rebel, reading books and all. ;-)
Good for you for protecting yourself and not getting into a heated discussion over something that is not important to you.
I think I could maybe go a week or so without tv but then I would have withdrawals from no Foodtv. I gotta admit I watch at least one food show every day. It's very relaxing to me. I find my peace when I'm in the my kitchen, that's my space. When I don't watch foodtv, I like to be on my computer though. I think I would miss my computer more than the tv.
I also laughed at the thought of a sort of "cable mob" storming the doors of the Comcast castle. Good for you for refusing to engage in such a silly debate. I hate that their anger reveals how far we have gotten away from what really matters in life.
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